Rose Bloom

Happy Birthday dearie πŸ˜€

Hi peeps..

Today is a good day! Coz.. I am feeling relax, I crafted, I get to make someone happy πŸ™‚ Life cant be better than that, right?
I have just quit my job, was just feeling too tired all the time, and I dont want to live my life feeling tired, energy-less. If my health cant take my job demands… no point right. After all, life is short, I want to have some balance. So I have decided, that I will take a month break. I do have another job waiting, but I am not sure if I want to return to the corporate line anymore.

So this morning, I am glad I woke up with a smile, did some surfing, and make a card. Later, my hubby n I will go to some nice little shop somewhere in teh heart of KL to have some infamous noodles.. managed by generations from this family. I am told its the best… So looking forward to it.. yum.. yum!!

So here a card I make for a dear friend, whose birthday is today! I heart this new rose set from W9Plus and the crinkled ribbon that arrived ages ago, and my first time using it. So thrilled. Happy Birthday Charmaine, may God continue to bless you with many wonders, joys and little miracles of life. Hugs………

Thanks for dropping by! πŸ˜€ Happy Weekend!

Challenges : 2S4U, City Crafter – take flight, Wee Memories, Papercraft Planet Simon 10, Craftalicious – Anything goes

21 thoughts on “Rose Bloom

  1. Beautiful card, Annie!! So soft and layered!!
    Congrats on your decision. You have to listen to yourself! A lot of people don’t do that and they end up doing things they don’t like to do. Thankfully we have a little bit of space to pick and choose if we want to stay or leave a job. Many can’t, unfortunately. Good for you and decisions are hard but each new ones will make you a better person πŸ™‚

  2. We are all behind you whatever your decision is, Annie! You are right about having balance, it’s no point of the work alone is taking over your life…:) Have your well deserved rest and I hope whatever your new job may be, it will be a good new beginning!

    And your card, I love all the layering work, its gorgeous! Bet your friend is gonna love this!

  3. So glad that you can find a good balance for you in life, it is nice to know that there are people that can do that! And your card today is just lovely, I really appreciate how all the elements work together, and the colors are just divine.

  4. I am so glad that you are taking a break sweetie!! I have been there myself, infact when I read this post of yours about being tired and energy less all the time, it looked as if someone is re -telling my story πŸ˜€

    Take some time off and decide if you want to continue in the corporate world.

    As far the card, it is as beautiful as ever. All the little elements add to make a wonderful birthday card for your friend!!

  5. I just want to give you a great big hug! You speak words of wisdom – and I don’t think God put us on this earth to work ourselves into ill-health! You sound – like your beautiful card – exuberant!

  6. Beautiful card…

    What a coincidence… I’m thinking the same thing…. I don’t know whether I still want to stick working this corporate world…yup life too short… you made a right choice my dear friend… take it easy and relax..xx

  7. Ohh…such a beautiful card! Love the details especially the butterfly! Lol…me and butterfly πŸ™‚

    I’m so happy for you Annie! It’s great that you listen to yourself! I’m going through the same situation as you so I know how exactly it feels. It’s not easy but I’m happy πŸ™‚

  8. I think you made a wise choice my friend…you always have to listen to your gut…kudos to you!!!!

    I love your card…sooooo pretty…love all the details!

  9. I always look forward to visiting your blog and seeing what you are up to ! What a darling card – I see you are really getting into the kraft color, me too !! Hope you are doing well, hugs ….

  10. Hey, Annie! This card is sooo pretty! LOVE your use of Ever After and all those fabulous layers! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a sweet comment, too! I just love hearing from my visitors!

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